Stumps Spirit Ideas

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Archive for the ‘Homecoming Week’ Category

Spirit Day Dress Up Ideas

Posted by Stumps Spirit on November 1, 2012

Some spirit days, such as school color days, are based on long tradition. Other times you might want to shake things up a little, and we hope this post helps get the creative juices flowing.

Colorful Additions
While school color spirit ideas are popular for game days, there’s no reason not to incorporate them into other spirit day themes.

For example, mustache parties have led to mustache day spirit days and you are no longer limited to black fake mustaches but can choose from eight additional colors. Imagine each class in a different color mustache!

The same goes for Crazy Hair Day and selection of spirit wigs (or Bling Strings if you are looking to be a wee bit more subtle), or adding colorful spirit apparel to Twin Day or Hat Day.

Mascot Madness
A mascot-based spirit day is closely related to color days so this is another time to add a little school color, perhaps by wearing a western bandanna or temporary tattoos.

If you happen to be a proud cowboy or pirate, hats are a natural consideration; and a little face paint from Team Supplies can help you give tigers or lions a little stripy or whiskery goodness.

Dance Theme Days
We highly recommend taking a look at event themes for ideas about spirit days and dressing for them. This is especially true if there’s a dance involved. The La Jolla Country Day School held a homecoming dance with an Underwater event theme this year, and the school’s Personal Flotation Device Day during Spirit Week tied in beautifully – and hilariously!

Western, Glow and Hip Hop themes are also dance themes that have lots of fab possibilities as spirit days, too.

History is Fun
There are a bunch of different ways to create a “blast from the past” in spirit and dress. There are at least five fun decades to celebrate, from 1920s Jazz Age themes to 1980s Punk, Glam and New Wave scenes.

Some schools don’t limit themselves to just one decade; they choose a different decade for each class or just tell everybody to dress as their favorite decade.

No matter which way you go, a decade spirit day is a great excuse for the fun of digging for sartorial treasures in parents’ or grandparents’ closets and then finishing a rad outfit with accessories from wearable favors such as feather boas and sunglasses.

Has your school had a spirit day that was particularly unusual or fun? If so, please share in the comments!

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Game Night Homecoming Theme Ideas

Posted by Stumps Spirit on September 27, 2012

Don’t let this Homecoming drag on into the night. Keep the guests active and entertained with a game night theme!

Size It Up

Instead of cluttering up the room with tables and chairs to put board games on, why not simply make the guests pawns in the game? Take classic board games and make them life-sized! Checkers, chess, and parcheesi are all classic board games and are easy to set up and learn. For some more complicated games, however, try life-sized monopoly or the game of life (for those guests who want some intellectual aspects to their larger-than-life games). Games like these keep the guests moving and having fun all night long.

Heave Ho!

Host a tug-of-war competition! Set-up is as easy as a rope and some mats. Have your guests face off against each other to claim eternal glory as the strongest team in the school. To have everyone get involved, build a tournament bracket of all the guests. This makes winning even more glorious!

Relay Some Fun

An event that has been repeated for years is the relay race. Relay races encourage cooperation and teamwork without sacrificing fun and entertainment. Some popular ideas include balancing an egg on a spoon that is in their mouths, having a blindfolded person be guided through an obstacle course by someone who isn’t blindfolded, and having an activity at a station and having the person complete the activity before moving on to another station. Encourage school unity with relay races that get guests to interact with friends, acquaintances, and strangers alike.

The Ball Is In Your Court

A simple yet fun game to play with your guests is a game called handball. Handball is very popular in Europe and is played in high schools across the United States. The reason for its popularity in high schools is its simplicity. All you need for set-up is a ball, two goals, and some space. A basketball court size is the ideal size needed to play this game. This game, although simple in  nature, requires a reasonable amount of effort and can keep the guests playing for a long time. Here are the rules for clarification (the more technical rules do not have to be followed in order to play the essence of the game):

Slice and Dice?

A fairly new form of physical activity that has emerged is a sport called Live Action Role Playing (or, for short, LARPing). This is where two (or more) people use padded weapons (swords & shields) to land blows on each other. If your guests have had their fill with all the other fun games at your event, this activity is where they can try something new and exciting.

Keep your guests active and entertained with creative and diverse games!

Posted in Decorating, Homecoming Court, Homecoming Dance, Homecoming Dance Planning, Homecoming Theme, Homecoming Week, School Spirit Items, Stumps Spirit, Team Unity | Tagged: , , , | Leave a Comment »

Rev Up for a Tailgating Party!

Posted by Stumps Spirit on September 12, 2012

Football season is here and it’s time to blare the crowd pumping anthem, “Are You Ready For Some Football?” It is the time of year for team comradery to fill the nation. Teams are gearing up for a winning season and it’s time for you to show your team pride! Whether you enjoy cheering on your local high school team, favorite college, or NFL team, there is no better way to be a part of the action and to show your team spirit than with a game day tailgating party!

…And everyone knows one of America’s favorite pastimes begins with good food, good games, and good fun! You can rev up your tailgate party with some of these football tailgating ideas!

Tailgating Game Ideas:

  • Mascot Stomp: Keep the kids at your party entertained with Mascot Stomp! All it takes are some latex balloons, string or ribbon, a sharpie marker, and a whistle and the kids will have a blast! Blow up some latex balloons in the opposing team’s colors. Let the kids draw their team logo or mascot onto the balloons. When they’ve finished, tie the balloons to their ankles and have them stand in a circle. Have someone blow the whistle to signal the start of the game and let the kids stomp on the balloons to pop the balloons and stomp the mascot. The last one standing with a balloon tied to their ankle wins.
  • Pass the Ball: All you need are two mini footballs and people! Gather your fellow tailgate-goers into two team groups of seven or more people. Have each team stand in a straight line. Give each team a mini football. On your “go” the goal for each team is to pass the ball as quickly as they can without dropping it through the line without using their hands. Players can use their chins, elbows, feet or any creative way other than their hands to move the ball across the line of players. The first team to pass the ball through the line and back without dropping the ball wins. If you drop it, you have to start from the beginning again, so be strategic!

Fun Tailgating Ideas:


Posted in Decorating, Football Spirit, Homecoming Week, School Spirit Items, Spirit Week, Stumps Spirit, Team Supplies | Tagged: | Leave a Comment »